Oil Spill’s Blow to BP’s Image May Eclipse Costs – CNBC. Oil Spill’s Blow to BP’s Image May Eclipse Costs Published: Friday, 30 Apr 2010 | 12:16 PM ET Text Size By: Clifford Krauss The New York Times Digg Buzz Facebook Twitter More Share BP says that the offshore drilling accident that is spewing thousands of barrels of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico could cost the company several hundred million dollars. Nobody really knows whether the London-based oil giant is being too conservative about the cost for the April 20 accident, which some experts say could end […]
Continental and United close in on merger deal | Business | The Guardian
Continental and United close in on merger deal I heard the first of this on CNBC this morning and then this posting. Neither company’s website United Airlines or Continental Airlines has any information about the merger. But I kind of saw the writing on the wall when Continental joined the Star Alliance last year based on the previous engagement talks from a few years ago that time with USAirways which joined the Star Alliance shortly prior to merger talks. via Continental and United close in on merger deal | Business | The Guardian. There are times when I would like […]
Strange mussings from the peanut gallery
Why can’t I talk and browse the web on Sprint‘s network? I only found out about this little morsel after the contract breaking period had elapsed. I know I probably won’t need to do both at the same time (I do have 2 other phones for work) but for $60/mo I should be able to do both. What I have had a problem with is using the GPS and talking on the phone at the same time. This is a major reason for me to go back to AT&T – I used to talk and get driving directions at the […]
Breaking Bad – AMC
Very good show – disturbing content, but excellent Breaking Bad – AMC.