Tax the rich or give us $46 BILLION worth of jobs

In this current election cycle, we have heard so many times that taxing the richest Americans will somehow force them to STOP creating jobs in our very fragile economy. I think it is absurd to believe that just because you have money you are the engine of growth for our economy. Rich people are rich not because they are good citizens alone some are rich for just the opposite reason. If somehow you have amassed millions or billions of dollars it is a good guess that you didn’t get that way by paying your employees well. In fact probably only […]

Motorola once one of the best companies now not so much

I remember quite a few years back when Motorola was the tech company. It made chips for the Mac and created hundreds if not thousands of products for business, consumers, and telecommunications firms. It was true that everyone had something associated with Motorola or created by them. But of late Motorola has gone the way of Hewlett-Packard (HP) in that back when it was a more specialized company before it was a mega company it built quality products that you could count on for a long time. Well as I have experienced with HP’s crap over the years, Motorola’s has […]

Cox Communications let me down again

I have had cable TV and high speed Internet from Cox for four and a half years and for the most part happy with it — just not the bill that comes every month. Well about the time the TV cablebox software was upgraded (about 9-10 months ago) my HSI modem starts acting screwy. At first the screwy bit was hardly noticeable. Just once in a while not being able to receive the Cox signal. Quick reset and back online, no muss-no fuss. Then a about 3 months ago the modem probablem got dramatically worse. To the point the modem […]

CenturyLink Prism TV looking pretty good

After 4 years of Cox Communications continually raising their monthly bills for cable TV I finally dropped signed up for CenturyLink’s Prism. Back last year when they introduced it here in the Vegas area I was a little skeptical whether TV across DSL/Ethernet would be viable, especially with the Microsoft MediaRoom software on the cable box being one of those Microsoft apps that still needs a bit of shaking out before primetime. Well I can ultimately say that the TV image is better than cable and I’m glad I made the leap. Now if only I could cut the strings […]

Campaign mode in the US

Since I bought my bright shiny Asus Eee Transformer Prime Android tablet, I’ve been listening to Pandora. Every now and again there’s the same commercial about the Obama administration starting the process of weining us off petroleum dependence. I like the ad and it probably is true, but could you put those darn commercials somewhere else? 🙂

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