I remember something a friend mine used to say to me and others several years ago – ”God takes care of babies and fools”. I think of all the times I was one or the other of those: in foreign countries I went to places places I shouldn’t have, corne back to the hotel in the wee small hours of the morning, and event went to places the even locals did not. When I lived in New York and in Chicago and would get drunk, take the subway home and never experienced a life threatening event. So that was when […]
On the road again…just can’t wait
You know the old song. Well that’s my life and I love it. The problem with this economy is that for me getting on the road is getting harder because companies are pulling their purse strings tight so there isn’t much reason to visit them if they’re not going to give me any of those precious duckettes. Oh, well! At least I’m alive, healthy and doing pretty good. (KNOCK WOOD!!!) Go, OBAMA!
FW: Posting via e-mail
I just set up the posting by e-mail function on my blog server and wanted to see what it would look like when posted.
On the move again And other musings
I have not posted a travel entry in a while even though I’ve been a few places. So in my efforts to take back a more orderly and scheduled life, which includes getting back on a workout Schedule, here I go. Such as life back An a pair if planes today with a little layover in one q the mid-west’s more beautiful cities and one on the list of places where I formerly lived-Denver. And about my workout regimen. I used to hit the gym everyday or mostly everyday. But in the last year or so, I have let going […]
Take the comp and get out
I was given a meal comp by one of Las Vegas’ casinos recently. (Santa Fe Station) Stupidly, I decided to use it for the meal. The thing the casino knows is that most people who have registered for their loyalty/player cards can’t come into a casino without gambling. Case in point is why so many casinos have put cinemas in them so you have to walk past the one-arm bandits on your way to your movie or favorite eatery and then again on the way back to the car. So most people stop and gamble if just for a bit. […]