The United States of Bloat! Each of the 50 states and territories is made up of counties or parishes or some such distinction. But did you ever think about all the other “government” jurisdictions that exist in your state? This graph from the US Census CBB is a visualization of the local government units and you can select different criteria – counties, municipalities, townships, special districts, and independent school districts. All these jurisdictional subdivisions add millions and BILLIONS to the total cost of government. Be sure to look at the special districts – fascinating. U.S. Local Governments by State: 1942-2022
Want to know why so many black people are poor, have been poor, and will remain poor?
Open the link to go to the CBB visualization app of REAL data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The visualization criteria is percent of black-owned employer firms and percentage of black/African-American people as a population in the selected detail – in this case all metropolitan areas in America. You will notice that nationwide as a percentage black-owned employers is low with some areas having almost NO black-owned businesses even though there is a high percentage of black people in the detail area. For instance, the Jackson, MS metro area has 64% black population but has a negligible amount of […]
Pre Thanksgiving celebration on the Vegas Strip
Sitting at Virgil’s at the link having a great drink, some nachos and getting blitzed outta my mind listening to a hopping DJ giving mad R&B beats from the greatest– James Brown and Biggie.
Something to think about on the drive home…
No matter what TV says, the driver usually never dies in a fatal car crash – just everyone else in the crash.
The exquisite Diana Ross — The Boss
Something to think about
From the US Census Bureau blog which explains the dimness of the latest American generation… no global view of sense of self separate from patents: Nearly six in 10 young adults live within 10 miles of where they grew up, and eight in 10 live within 100 miles, according to a new study by researchers at the U.S. Census Bureau and Harvard University. Read more at