When you see an online profile and it says they’re 35… and you think 35 years ago you weren’t even 35 you old fuck!!!!!! Then you reconcile the timeline… 35 years ago they were say 10 or eleven so that makes them in the earliest 45-50 so you laugh! But still it makes you mad.
The last Friday of the decade
Famous last words… Spell check is a bitch!
Every Seven Years (7) You Change | Body & Mind | dreamhawk.com
Every Seven Years (7) You Change About the Author Tony Crisp is an internationally renowned expert on dreams and their interpretation and is the author of the bestselling Dream Dictionary: An A to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind. Based on material from thousands of dreams gathered during three decades of research, the Dream Dictionary has become a classic of the genre, with a previous version being translated into seven languages worldwide. Tony has worked at the vanguard of the personal development and self-help movement for more than fifty years, co-founding in the 1970s one of the first human growth […]