A couple years ago the federal government allowed for student loan refinancing – not just consolidation through the Dept of Education. I have consolidated my loans and wow I wish I had never done that, but last year I refinanced to a private lender and I have to say it was painless and pretty quick; I have saved money because my interest rate is less than the DoE’s normal student loan rate of 8.25%. In essence anything under that is savings so when I got a 4.25% rate that saves quite a bit of money which makes the principal go […]
The US economy today
I was looking at CSPAN today (yes, I should have been asleep) but the episode was about Pres Obama’s legacy on the economy. They allowed callers to explain if their position is better today than before the Obama years. Many of the people on one side of the table (you know who) said they are worse too. The other side said pretty much the same thing but were positive about it. ALL of the callers were in my opinion in more low-wage jobs. People have to realize if you are farmer or a widget-turner you are never going to be […]
Mr. Trump, you wanted it – so you got it
I am reminded of a great saying that is so appropriate for President-Elect Donald Trump. The greatest revenge is giving someone EXACTLY what they want. He is very shortly going to see why only crazy (at least deranged or megalomaniacial) people want to be president of the United States of America. God be with us.
Gov Sandoval (R-NV) makes his last state of the state and I’m impressed
Ok, this is a joke and you should laugh your ass off for it. Here goes: I don’t know who Gov Brian Sandoval (R-NV) thinks he is, but I cannot have a Republican governor of an ‘almost-purple’ state act not only like a good guy, reaching across the aisle constantly and even saying things like ‘this world of partisan-ism is destroying our democracy and must stop!!!". I know Gov Sandoval is not gay (never had sex with me at least) but I gotta say, YOU GO GIRL . Gov Sandoval and his predecessor Gov Gibbons both acted like real good shepherds of […]
Samsung Galaxy woes just getting started
Ever since Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphones started setting their owners’ pockets afire and exploding in all manner of situations, Samsung has been in scramble mode. The reason I say that is simple… I bought a Galaxy 7 Edge back in September right BEFORE the Note battery issues started happening. I thought “Glad I didn’t buy one of those!” then the realization hit me…both phones probably have that problem – seems only that the Galaxy 7 hasn’t started exploding though. Truthfully, I have been expecting the email saying bring your phone in for replacement to arrive any day now. They […]
Oh shit! When did this get worse than it used to be?
Alright, I know it has been over a year since I put any blog posts up that doesn’t mean things have not happened to me in this time. The dog lost an eye to glaucoma; again went through another bout of mild depression – then went on drugs again and doggonit I feel better again… much better. New car (new to me at least but great low mileage and great condition); been going to church and met quite a few nice people, which probably has aided in the depression improvement. Last summer was the best year ever for walking the […]
When did the hyperbole become standard speech to us?
I was listening to a comedian earlier today and he said something that made me think about the way most people talk in regular conversations with friends, family, strangers…everyone. The word Hyperbole [hahy-pur-buh-lee] is a Greek-origination that is defined as: noun, Rhetoric. 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration. 2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity….”. It has an sister word that we never really hear used all that much — Litotes [lahy-tuh-teez, lit–uh-, lahy-toh-teez], another Greek-originated word that is likewise defined as: noun, plural litotes. Rhetoric. 1. understatement, especially […]
Hello world … again!
Well after eight years up and running, I had to once again change the blog and recreate it on a different web host. Quick aside… tech companies like host providers have to figure out that teaser rates are only good to attract business but not keep business. I finally stopped the auto-renew of the host at ($10/mo) and jumped ship. I think I will be doing this for the next few years until I find a company with good long-term rates (around $4/mo is what I’m thinking for my little personal website that has no commercial characteristics at all. So, […]
Where did all the Stupid people come from? Or don’t state the obvious
Lately, more and more frequently people are needing to state the obvious because some people aren’t smart enough to understand the obvious without it being stated.A colleague recently (just a few minutes ago in fact) stated something that was obvious to everyone else. I then realized that it is not only the person who needs to have the obvious details stated to them, but there are people who state the obvious because they don’t know it is obvious to everyone else.Now, I know I’m being pedantic [aren’t I always] but this is not an obtuse point. Kind of like when […]
I feel my humanity slipping
I don’t know if it is a byproduct of my life’s experiences or if I am just not connected to it any longer, but I find myself liking People less and less everyday. The reason I capitalized “people” is I mean the whole lot of Us. No, I don’t think your baby is cute… No, I don’t care to endure family for Christmas…. Yes, that makes your butt look FAT — your ass is fat without that… No, I don’t give a damn that your feelings are hurt. Could you put that cigarette down or just stop blowing smoke in […]